How do I confirm my order by bank transfer ?

Nothing could be simpler 🙌

  • Send the total amount of your order by bank transfer to our bank account details below.

  • In the note or description section of your bank account, indicate your order number.

  • Once the transfer has been received, your order will be dispatched automatically.

🏦 Bank details :

IBAN : FR7616958000018107701435209

Company name : OLAB
Company address : 42 rue de l'Aiguillerie, 34000 Montpellier, France

Bank name : QONTO / OLINDA
Bank address : 18 rue de Navarin, 75009 Paris, France

If you need any help, don't hesitate to email

This payment method is temporary until new, much more efficient payment solutions can be offered.

We would like to thank you for the trust you have placed in us 🙏

See you soon 💚